We support you responding to challenges of an unstable world 


Time to level up your game by


- starting a new company as a business structure in a low cost, low tax, low maintenance country 

- getting a residence permit or citizenship in the EU, the UK, the US or the UAE 

- getting insider information to invest into real estate, stockmarket or crypto assets 

- getting our support on your self development journey

- becoming part of an exclusive business and social venue, Our Inner Circle

Resources are not made or earned. They are taken. To have them you need to take them from others. Individuals and countless forms of organizations and entities, the social media, the entertainment industry, parties, governments, you name it, are all out there to take your resources, and competing for new resources with you. Being average, having average game was enough to get by in the 80’s, 90’s, the first two decades of the third millenia, but it’s not enough any more. The age of the average is over. There is either a slow downward spiral, or a steep upward spiral, depending on your choice.

Your journey with us, basically everything we can help you with is starting outside your comfort zone. You need to convert the terrain outside of your comfort zone into your new comfort zone. You need to move securely on it, being familiar with it’s traps and opportunities. 


Getting a residence permit or a citizenship in a new country, starting a company in an new, yet unknown country, investing into a yet unfamiliar asset, is a stressful process, so it’s not meant for people who seek to reduce stress. But what is better? Going through the temporary stress of conquering, exploring and building something new, or to exist in the permastress of your comfort zone, where you’re forever stressed by circumstances that pose a threat to you, like war, economic crisis, laws or taxation.


Marketing is about promising you a joyride, which delivers you wholesome results without pain, without stepping out of your comfort zone. People are not falling for high level scams, they are falling victim to the dumbest scam, the promise of wholesome results without effort, investment, pain or risk involved. Most people have earned their failure, deserve it, and can’t blame anyone or anything else for it but themselves. 

Let us see, how the things we do can actually help you.


Starting a company in a low cost, low tax, low maintenance country


To avoid any misunderstanding right away, we say that for most people starting a company at a too early stage  is a bad idea (which is the case most of the time). This is because most people start a company in a phase when their resources are very limited. They have barely enough resources to attack and conquer the market, yet they have to regularly sacrifice considerable resources on taxes, social security, accounting-and legal services, that they could simply avoid, if they postponed the company formation till later.


It is best to postpone setting up a company as long as you don’t have sufficient reserves, and a continuous influx of money. But when the right time comes, it can give you a terrific edge if you set up your company in the right country. In some countries the state taxes your profit with up to 50%, while in other states the same tax rate is 0%. And this is just one from the various types of taxes. If you don’t waste your resources on taxes in the wrong country, you can invest those same resources on online marketing, or hiring talents as freelancers, to annhillate your competition and rule the market. Don’t get us wrong, avoiding tax payment is a stupid move, but intelligent tax planning is absolutely a must. 


Consider this. While you pay infinite taxes in the country of a dumb choice, your competitor, that you may not even see, like a sniper, is targeting your customers with discounts, that he is able to give because he set up his company in the right jurisdiction. If you don’t take the high ground, your competitor will. 


Detre Varga & Partners LLP. has decades of experience in advising you in which country it is best to set up a company for your business. Instead of quantity, we focus on quality. We have hand picked a few countries for you, and offer you support based on thousand of cases like yours.


You can read more on company formation in the following jurisdictions (click on the country to read more)

Estonia, with an unlimited and permanent 0% tax rate on company profit

Romania, with a 3% flat rate on company income, and only 8% personal income tax on dividends (distributed profit)

Dubai and the UAE, with 0% profit tax up to 120 k USD, and only 9% tax on company profits for the profit above 120 k USD, and 0% personal income tax on dividends

Hungary, with an effective tax rate of 4,5-11% and 0% tax on dividends paid out to a parent company

Malta, with an approximate 5% effective total tax rate on company profit and dividends combined

the U.S.A., where some states offer a 0% profit tax rate, and 0% withholding tax on dividends paid out to non residents (0% total tax rate)


Get a residence permit or a citizenship in the EU, the UK, the US or the UAE


A multiple residency or citizenship is like a portal, through which you can step into new business and social venues. A specific residency or a citizenship allows you to do business, or live in any country, which that specific residency allows you to access.


Let us take maltese citizenship. It’s the only country in the EU, in which you can become a citizen by investment. Once you’re a citizen of this beautiful mediterranean island, you have a free access to the whole EU, the UK, the US, Canada and the UAE. This gives you a terrific advantage against your competitors, as you are free to enter any of these realms.


Citizenship by investment is a top tier product, only affordable for a few people in the world, of the highest echelons. In most cases however, a common residence permit offers you most of the advantages. 


Detre Varga & Partners LLP. has decades of experience in advising you in which country it is best to apply for a residency, permanent residency or citizenship, and how to get it. 


You can click on the country and read more on residency or citizenship of the following countries

Hungary, with a low cost digital nomad residency, and a golden visa program for investment into real estate or real estate bonds

Portugal, where wealthy individuals may get a 5 years residency right away and become citizens after only 5 years

Malta, the only state in the EU where citizenship by investment is possible, along with lifelong permanent residency for high value donation to the country, and low cost digital nomad visa

Croatia, with a low cost digital nomad residency and flexible „other” purpose residency

Slovenia, where a residence permit is granted for applicants owning a real estate with a value of at least 50 k EUR

Romania, where a business residency for company owners is affordable

Estonia, where company owners and freelancers are eligible for an affordable residency


Insider information to invest into eal estate, stockmarket or crypto assets


If you’re not an expert on something, you got to surround yourself with people, who are the most successful in it. 


The expertise to set up the leanest and meanest business structures in the world, and to get multiple residency or citizenship to the most sought after countries in the world, attracts a lot of successful and rich people, who share their best pieces of advice with their consultant, to further express their gratitude for our services. 


This has helped us develop a sight for good opportunities. Working with us means an opportunity to share such opportunities between us and our clients.


You can read more on our successful, 10 years real estate operation in the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus real estate investment in Dubai and the UAE, with unique payment plans and long term bank loans for foreigners 


Support on your self development journey


Money, or any material success won’t let anyone become the best version of themselves. It only amplifies and enhances existing personality traits and characteristics. A wealthy person can live a miserable life, and an other individual with much more modest resources can live an exceptionally happy and balanced life. 


Money can’t buy happiness, but it can act as a tool to make oneself happier or more miserable, depending on the approach to life and human relationships. 


We have had our highs and lows, just like all our clients. It’s very important, that as your partner, we seek to support you in your self assigned journey of self realization.


Become part of an exclusive business and social venue, Our Inner Circle


If you set foot in a new country, a new market or a new business or social venue, knowledge, experience and money will alone not be a guarantee for success, unless you have a solid network of trustworthy, like minded individuals. 


Detre Varga & Partners LLP. has it’s own exclusive business and social community, the Inner Circle. This global network has existed way before it was named „Our Inner Circle” and created an online platform. The online platform has only made it more effective. 


Membership in Our Inner Circle is based on invitation by an other member, but you can also apply online to introduce yourself in a video call with us, and receive your invitation afterwards. 


You can read more on the Inner Circle, and apply clicking here.