Detre Varga & Partners LLP. does not put a call center in the way of our clients. If you need to contact us, you’ll be connected to the person, who’s competent and responsible to assist you. In order to make sure this works, we kindly request you to select the topic of your inquiry, and schedule a video call for us.

If you want to start a new company, schedule a video call here.

This appointment is meant as a preparation, and a preliminary consultation of a company formation, therefore, you won't be charged separately. It is not suitable for detailed consultation. 

If you want to talk to us about an other type of new project, click here.

This appointment is meant as a preparation, and a preliminary consultation of a new project, therefore, you won't be charged separately. It is not suitable for detailed consultation. If you're no trying to get in touch with us as a client, but something else, including partnering, future employees, trainees, or official persons, you may book this appointment too. 

If you want to schedule a video call in any other subject matter, click here. 

This appointment is the right one to discuss any topic with us, on a proper one on one online consulting session on Google Meet. You'll be charged 150 EUR, that you need to pay at reservation by card. This is ideal for getting a deeper insight into a topic. You can send us documents before the session to let us prepare from a specific topic. 

If you’ve got a retainer with us, schedule a video call here.

A retainer means a money deposit, that you've trusted on us, to handle some of your projects. This is a closer cooperation than random contact, therefore, you pay 100 EUR for this online consulting session, instead of the 150 EUR fee paid if you don't have a retainer. To have a retainer agreement with us, you need to join Our Inner Circle. Once you're admitted, you'll be informed in detail, how to apply for a retainer agreement. 

If you want to join Our Inner Circle schedule a video call here.

This appointment is for you to introduce yourself, and apply to Our Inner Circle. Many of our services are only available for Inner Circle members. We don't charge you for either the membership, or the application, but you'll pay 1 EUR reservation fee at your booking, so we can verify that you're a real person. 

I can't find your e-mail or phone number   

Once we start any specific cooperation, you'll receive the phone number and the e-mail address of the contact person, that is in charge of your project. To keep communication organized, the preferred way to keep in touch is through our video call booking system that we've detailed above.

However, we also create Whatsapp groups to follow up projects, especially when more participants are involved on either side. If you don't use Whatsapp yet, it may be necessary to keep track of the process, as we don't use any other channel as a company.

Our colleagues, experts and partners have got a very tight schedule, therefore random calls may not be accepted or returned. This is not meant to be offensive, but it's simply not feasible for high level experts to be cut off in their work (or consulting sessions) by random calls.